Transformation of industrial and urban space by interim to long-term use for art, culture, entertainment, sports, education as well as production and innovation. Urban society – including industry, real estate branch and governments faces many challenges. We can help with years of experience and our interdisciniplary network.
170.000 sqm operating area 30+ Buildings 500+ startups Conference center for 10 [...]
170.000 sqm operating area 30+ Buildings 500+ startups Conference center for 10 [...]
170.000 sqm operating area 30+ Buildings 500+ startups Conference center for 10 [...]
8.000 sqm operating area 250+ actors and iniatives 250.000+ visitors per [...]
8.000 sqm operating area 250+ actors and iniatives 250.000+ visitors per [...]
8.000 sqm operating area 250+ actors and iniatives 250.000+ visitors per [...]
27 studios 60 residents 3.000 sqm [...]
27 studios 60 residents 3.000 sqm [...]
27 studios 60 residents 3.000 sqm [...]
We build innovation ecosystems
4 pillars need to be curated and balanced in order to activate a community eco system:
Curation and community management is the key to a diverse and trusted community that is highly innovative!
Production Spaces
Production spaces for creative and innovative processes like studios, garages, start-up spaces and offices.
Culture, Sports and Entertainment
Culture, sports and entertainment is what we need to interact, to build trust, to be inspired and to exchange knowledge and experience. It is the adhesive that makes the community and spaces livable.
Education and Science
Education and science – bringing thought leaders, technologists and artists together – is the key to innovation. A diverse network of schools and universities is the link here.
Living and Gastronomy
How do we live, work and spend our precious time tomorrow? Definitely everything in one place with the right people around us.
Start-up Ecosystem
On the 4 balanced and curated pillars we can build a solid and strong Start-Up Ecosystem
Development & Construction
Building in existing construction
Curated Space
Curation means defining the target mix of space and community and leads to a healthy and well working ecosystem. Together with our clients we elaborate the right balance and with our methodologies, experience and our network we get there.
Interim Use
Interim use as possible initial spark
Our Services
A temporary use of real estate and properties as an initial spark can have far more than purely economic reasons. Urban and socio-political aspects also influence the development of a location.